Wednesday, May 11

Music Recomendations

I recently purchased (off of iTunes) a few songs and an album. I figured, since i have been loving it so much, that I should spread the word. I don't know if any of you have heard of Joy Williams, but she has some awesome songs (like "Hide", "We", and "Stay") from her most recent album that are awesome. I just got those three songs, but her whole album sounds awesome... very uplifting :) Also, there is a new band out called Overflow. I got their album (A Better Place) and am loving it. It is also some awesome music... very uplifiting and just great songs. I am a lyrics person, and tend to listen to words first, then i get into the tune if it's good. I have to say both are great...
While i am at it, i will recomend Jars of Clay's most recent album, Redemption Songs, and both albums of Ten Shekel Shirt.
I have never done this (recomended music) before, so, yup, I thought i would just spread the joy :)
Happy Listening!

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