Friday, July 22

last night

well, tonight is the last night i will be spending away from home. lets see, a little recap of the day...

the day was off to a racky start. we were working on approach shots and doing drills. no one in my group of 6 was making our approach shots. we were missin gour shots on the feed. it was frustrating Per (the coach) because he couldn't do anything to make us better. we were having an off day. so, he decided that he couldn't do anything and sat down. he told me to go over and grab the basket of balls and begin feeding the others while coaching them. for some reason, once i started feeding the balls, everyone made their approach shots. about 9 out of 10 were in. Per decided that i was the new coach and he 'quit'. he said i should get the uniform that the pros wore and that i would take over the court for the rest of the day.

boy, was he not kidding. he asked me my shirt size, and, thinking he was joking, i said small. He leaves and returns 5 minutes later with a shirt. he told me to go put it on. i asked if he was joking two times, but he insisted. so i did. and then i was in charge of the next roataion for about 10 minutes... hey, i got the drill started and everything. i got to leave though because a coach was sick so my backup needed to fill in for her, and i couldn't be alone.

i got to keep the shirt... and a nice shirt it is.

my word, it is SO hot in my dorm... i am sweating, and nothing is capable of cooling me off right now.

our suite won the talent show... what fun.

well, off to prepare for the tournament tomorrow. i got the worst draw possible. i am playing some 17 year old guy who has been playing for a long time... i will try to kick his toosh around the court, but we will see :)

ta ta

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