well, i've been back home for a little under 24 hours. we got back yesterday afternoon from mammoth after eating a humungous (i can't spell that word... and i already know somebody *points to beth* will make fun of me for it) breakfast. it was soooo good. yup, it deserved three extra o's in the "so". anyway, i was very sad to leave. i always am when it comes to leaving beautiful mountains, skies, and weather to come back to smoggy LA where the skies can hardly be called blue and the "mountains" are never seen. i know it sounds like i don't like living here, but don't get me wrong, it's all good... but the mountains are better.
anywho, i had tennis tryouts this morning. all is going well. we've got some good new girls coming out, so it's exciting. i've got another session this afternoon... looking forward to it... yup yup, i am.
well, i gotta go... actually i don't, but oh well. i have nothing else to write.
beth wins for most mentioned in cristina's last 2 posts
i'm homesick already and i'm still at home.