Wednesday, September 21

busy NOT doing homework

isn't this weather crazy!?!? it is so awesome though... i mean the actual weather part. i love the lightning and thunder. they are incredible things to experience. i love the flashing of the bolts and the deep vibrating you can throughout your body. it's just great. plus, i love the fact that today, i got by with a tshirt, shorts, and flip flops without being cold or anything... well, i did get wet... quite wet. only in california can you wear that kind of outfit and survive in a random rain down pour. however, i did not enjoy the fact that tennis was cancelled... thats the only downside to rain... no tennis. thats okay though, we have a match tomorrow.

also, when i got to my car after school, i nearly had a heart attack... my car, instead of being cleaned by the rain, was soiled... it was filthy.... filthy!!! i had parked under a tree, so all the dirt came down with the drops that fell from the tree. i am not exaggerating... it looked like i had gone off-roading. when i got in my car, i couldn't see through the windsheild, so i spent a minute with the wipers going and the water squirting... grody. anyway, i came home and washed my car... i didnt mind that one bit!

tonight was my first night without homework, and let me tell you this: it was wonderful. when the teacher gave us time in class to do work, i did it... and i finished it. it was nice to come home and not have to worry about school work.

well, i am off to bed. i want to get some sleep for my match tomorrow!


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