Sunday, September 4

long time no post...

its been a while since i posted... actually, not really. there's just been some fun things that have been going on that i haven't posted of yet. so post i shall!

well, lets see. on monday i went on a short hike... i am totally blanking on the location. that's bad though, cause i drove. speaking of me driving, it was my first time on windy roads (whoa, i just realized that "windy" could be pronounced in two different ways and mean different things... so i will spell it out phoenetically... wine-dee). yup, i was a little nervous, but the great part was that there was only one car behind me that i had to pull over for on the way up and one on the way down... that way i could take my time and not worry about other drivers being mad at my leisurely pace.

so the hike was about 5 miles round trip. the view was pretty from the top... here's a pic -->

then tennis was great as usual through out the week.not much new going on as far as tennis goes, but i will keep you all updated.

today i went to see my younger cousins and my aunt 'n uncle. it was a LOT of fun. they have a pool so i got to swim with mu cuz and mess around (she's 4 years old). i also brought my underwater camera and tooka few pics (its a film camera, so i will post those pics later). the theme of these pics is a lot of fun... you shall see soon :) then i played with barbies with my cuz and had fun doing kid stuff. then she showed me how she got ready for bed. she is so cute... she has a whole routie and everything.

i will post more pictures from today tomorrow after i get a chance to crop them a bit. i have to say, having this new digital camera has been a lot of fun and has come in handy... i've already used it a ton!

well, i am tired... gonna go sleep now.


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