Thursday, January 5

jet lag stinks like a monkey!

well, made it back to the golden state where we drive on the right side of the road and have toilets not built into the ground. after 7 hours in the airport, i was ready to get on the plane and go. the flight was short (about 9 hours) , however there was a lot of turbulence... it was the side-to-side kind, so i didn't mind it. the funny thing about turbulence though: have you ever noticed that, even with the slightest bump, everybody's head bobbles? no one fights it, they just let their head bobble... it's hilarious to look at when everybody does it at the same time and in the same way... good stuff.

anyway, i crashed when i got home (around 11:30... we landed at 9:50). i hardly slept on the plane, and the jet-lag was kicking in. so, after sleeping a long time, it is now 10:20 and i have all the energy in the world. usually i am beat by this time, but not today. hopefully this jet lag thing won't last, cause i know i am going to feel it tomorrow during classes... and being tired during classes where it's hard enough to get through when i am fully awake is a deadly combination :)

anyway, i have a few last things that i have thought about and learned from my time in japan...some of these are just quick little interesting things i thought were interesting:

-sneezers don't get blessed in japan... if you say "bless you" when someone sneezes, they become confused... not because you said it in english though... it's just because no says anything when you sneeze there.

-while washing my hands in a bathroom, i heard a really cheesy sound effect of a toilet flushing coming from an occupied stall. then later, the actual toilet flushed and the lady left. not sure what it was, i investigated. there was a button inside the stall that you could press to make this sound. i figured that it was to cover up the sound of one going to the bathroom because it could be embarassing for some people...haha, i hate it when there is only one other person in the bathroom. later, i found out i was correct. wow, long explanation for a little thing :)

-i just couldn't get enough of the culture and lifestyle there. the respect for eachother is generally really high. i saw two people that were saying bye to eachother, and they must have each bowed about 10 times as they walked away from eachother. it was like a bowing war... they looked like they were a young couple, and i figured it was kind of like having the little "no, you hang up first" war on the phone... "no, i'll bow walk away first". but seriously, i enjoyed getting to be a part of that.

-i realized that what i learned and observed was something i could only do first-hand in japan. i have been told about the japanese culture and tradition before, and i have learned the geography of the land in class. however, what i had going in my head before this trip is WAY different than what i have going in myhead now.

well, that's all! i might post a few pics i took from the plane later, but besides that, this is the end of my trip to japan :) thanks for reading my posts and for commenting!

arigato golziemas (i have no idea how to spell that, but it means "thank you" in japanese)


  1. stina i miss you. busy busy. homework. fail spanish. stupid homework. practice. practice. game. practice. game. practice. practice. homework. eat i s'pose. i call no one answer. oh Japan! me recuerdo. that's so totally awesome. it's really really cool you got to see some totally backwards culture from ours. a for reals life experience. i don't know if i'll be able to do this. it might be just the longest blog comment you've ever gotten from this curiously anonymous someone. i wrote this essay in my english class at millikan (hint, hint) then i boked, (ok if you don't know it's me i have no other choice but to crawl into the fetal position and rock back and forth until you feel sorry for that poor person rocking out in the corner) and i thought you'd enjoy the sarcastic genius. and if you don't, i did so i'd like to share it with you. see next post please

  2. you know what, i cannot post by essay on your blog because blog no like me. kaaaaaaaa. i really hope you had a great time in japan. i'm rally jelous. you have to tell me lots of stories. call me. lets eat, not sugar of course (you're allergic)(i'm fat). Feb 2 we play Wilson at Belmont Plaza Pool for Moore Leauge Champs at 4:00. that'll be a good game. i really wanna make a pinata or something con tu and yenny. saturday?? perhaps??
