Thursday, October 12

turn that frown upside down!

turn off the AC, roll up the windows, and close your doors... it's chilly outside! zip up that jacket and bring out the slippers, and, my favorite part, break out the tea!
tonight was my first time having green tea in forever!!! well, i drank it iced a few times this summer, but brrrrrr, no ice this time. for me, it's the first sign of the cooler season starting (i don't say cold because where we live, it's not really that cold :) yay for tea!

okay, so i've been dreaming of taking/making this picture for a very long time now, and tonight i fulfilled my dream. now, i've been struggling to come up with a punch line, and i can't quite choose which one is best. but i'd say, wouldn't the world be a better place if we had happy outlets? i mean, how can you not smile when you see this? it may be a little weird that i've been longing to take this picture for a long time, but seriously, for the past year, i have been looking at outlets and can't help but see the character behind the face-plate. I wonder, what makes them so sad... are they ever happy... what would they look like if they were happy?
i say, this could be a good advertisement pic for the whole "flex your power" campaign... you know...
"are you keeping your outlets happy" or, "make your outlets happy and unplug." okay, so i am no advertisment genious, but you gotta admit, the pic is cute :)

fyi: in case you haven't figured it out yet, i photo shopped this picture... our outlets don't really look like this :)

alright, enough about the outlet :)

i hope this brings a smile to your day!


  1. actually, that's a genius plan. terrific advertisement. trust me, i know. i'm an advertising genius. i think it's my calling.

  2. Stina,

    You are the genius! WOW!
    Amazing...God blessed you with such creativity....

    I think Mr. Thomas Edison would be proud of you!

    (aka: Mum, Mother)

  3. ps i'm a different anonymous than your mother...hahahaha

  4. Wow Stina. That's all I have to say. Wow. :-)

  5. Wow Stina. That's all I have to say. Wow. :-)
    From *poke* hee hee hee
