Monday, November 27

i can see clearly now (but not because the rain is gone)

what a day...
first day back after thanksgiving break. you know, the teachers start out nice, but then it's back to routine. it went kind of like this: "hey, how was your break, how was your thanksgi... SMACK! homework! test! report! presentation! take that!" okay, maybe not that bad, but seeing how my day started, it was pretty much how i felt.
in the middle of the night last night, i woke up and heard a faint pitter patter of rain on the roof... could it be? rain? nah, i'm dreaming. when i woke up (unnecessarily early i might add) i looked outside and sure enough, it was drizzling. maybe things'll be ok after all :)
well, i jumped back in bed to see if i could catch a few more zz's, but i found that catching z's was harder than catching a leprachaun riding away on a unicorn. so, i sucked it up... i closed my eyes, took note of the warmth and comfort i had laying there in bed, and thought to myself, "remember this feeling, because this will be a long day and you need somehthing to look forward to."
speaking of something to look forward to, i was excited to go jump in a nice hot shower since it was nice and chilly outside. little did i know that both of my parents had just taken their showers, and after jumping in, i had a nice cold shower to wake me... please note that there is sarcasm in that last phrase... it was not nice at all.
i put it behind me and just remembered that it was raining. however, that lasted about as long as the hot water in my house did. after 2nd period, "here comes the sun." i guess that's california.
school went on, and eventually after about a gazillion hours of waiting ever so patiently, the school day ended. i had an errand to run.
i lost my reading glasses a while back during that packing process when our house was under construction. so i quickly ran home to pick up my prescription from my mom and then run off to the mall and get another pair of glasses. don't ask me how, but somehow, between me leaving the front door after i got my prescription and me parking in the parking lot at the mall, i lost my prescription. i searched my car inside and out. i couldn't believe it... am i really that bad at keeping track of things? it wasn't even in my pockets... i tried to forget about it, and went out for a bit. i couldn't help but feel annoyed at the day, but things started to change. after leaving my friend's house, i notcied on my way to my car that the sun had started to set behind this massive cloud... it looked amazing!! (the pic doesn't do justice...but you get the idea) i couldn't help but smile and think, okay, today wasn't so bad... how could a bad day look so beautiful right now?
after i eventually got home, i searched high and low only to find nothing. but, after a call to the lens place, it turns out that they keep my prescription on file and don't need to have one with me!
so i drive to the mall (for the 2nd time) and grab the frames that most resemble my last ones and they tell me that they will be ready to pick up in a little less than an hour! more good news!
i did go home because i wasn't going to stay and risk my life in the chirstmas-time shopping maul, i mean, shopping mall.
so after returning to the mall a third time, i picked up my reading glasses and now i sit here in front of the computer screen reading nice and clear without any tired eyes!
one thing i forgot to mention. in the midst of all my running around, i never changed my clothes, so i sit here also wearing my uniform, which is no where near cozy attire.
plus, i just heard news that the rain might pick up again...
i guess this day was okay after all :)


  1. that is an awesome picture! do you just keep your camera with you at all times??

  2. and you post made me start singing "here comes the sun little darlin, here comes the sun, i said... it's all right..."
