Monday, November 20

it's nice to be applauded

so when i was in manhattan beach on sunday, i decided that i wanted to go for a run down at the beach. but before doing so, i had to find a parking spot. preferring a spot closer to the beach, i drove all the way down, and after not finding a spot, i turned to go back up the steep hill... right before doing so, i saw a car leave (that was parked on the steep hill). i quickly jumped on it and put my blinker on (even though there was no one else around to compete for the spot). i also noticed that the car leaving was behind a car and in front of a car... that's just a complicated way of saying that i would need to parallel park.
i'm not going to down play my skill at all... i'm a good parallel parker. i usually can get in within 1 or 2 gear changes. so i wasn't scared at all of trying this difficult task of parallel parking on steep hill (if you've been to manhattan beach, you would know what i am talking about).
so i pull up right next to the front car and go into reverse, but i turn in too sharply and hit the curb. okay, everybody has to fail at least once, so i'll try again. i feel a jolt, whoops, curb again. pull out, try again... curb. whole time i am trying to keep from rolling back because of the hill. try, curb, try, curb, try.... after about 8 minutes, i almost gave up, but i was not about to be defeated by the curb or all the other aspects of parallel parking that i was having trouble with. i finally made it in.... 8 MINUTES!!! here's the worst part. i got out of my car, and just as i do so, i hear a small chorus of clapping coming from the sidewalk about 20 feet away. there was a group of guys watching me the whole time and decided to applaud my completing the task. i took a quick bow and ran off sore from the fall i had taked from my high parallel-parking horse.

well i am off!

later gator

1 comment:

  1. Hahahahaha I can just imagine.
    It's okay though... I probably would have taken 20 minutes only to fail and speed away. ;)
