Friday, November 24

thanksgiving in pictures

food! so much good food! (how come 'good' doesn't rhyme with 'food'? english is weird).
thanksgiving dinner was delicious... i ate mucho mashed potatoes and ham... mucho!!! i gained back everything i lost from the 10k :) okay, it's just a pillow, but that's pretty much what i felt like.
oh, and pumpkin pie... mmmm mmmm, gotta love that pumpkin pie! that crazy look on my face is why my parents don't let me use knifes that big anymore :)
i got to hang with my little cousins last night too. they're just a load of fun (as you can see)

hope you guys had a great thanksgiving.

i sure hope none of you are going out on this black friday... seriously, people are crazy on this day, tackling eachother, trampling over eachother, fighting over meaningless objects like an overpriced vessel for a wallet and lipstick...

they're crazy i tell you!

celebrate it ebay way... national sleep-in day!

1 comment:

  1. Wow looks like you had a fun thanksgiving, but i don't blame your parents for not letting you use knifes that big....kinda scary :)
    haha just kidding
