Wednesday, November 29

up then down

day started well (and early). we played in chapel today, and the songs came together great. plus, i had something to look forward to today.
my uncle is producing and acting in this short film, and he gets to be present when the editing is going on. the guy they are using for the editing has all this awesome equipment, top of the line. i was drooling while my uncle was telling me about it, and i asked if it would be possible for me to sit-in on one of the editing sessions, and he worked it out so i could!
so i was going to leave school during lunch so that i could beat the traffic (because this place was kinda far), so i would only have to have a morning of school. plus, i could pick up some lunch on the way, so i didn't need to pack my lunch this morning. all day, i just thought... after 4th period, you're gone!
so after lunch (i stuck around for bible study) i went to my car, showed the security guard my pass and cheerfully told her "have a nice day!" i got to my car and went to throw my backpack in the back of the car and saw that my phone was ringing. so i answered it and it was my pop.
he was calling to tell me that they had to cancel because my uncle had gotten a call-back from an audition he had earlier in the day, and they were postponing till tomorrow.
my mood went from up to down faster than, well, i can't think of anything clever to put here, so just really fast.
first, i was upset because i was sitting in the school parking lot, thinking i was free, yet i had to go back in. two, i couldn't go tomorrow because i have a wedding rehearsal to go to, and three... well, that's just a mean thing to do to my head. those kind of mood swings are terrible.
so after hanging up i sat in the back of my car and threw myself a two minute pitty party before going back in to school. the security looked at me kind of funny as i walked back in to school (obviously in a worse mood than i was before) and i just pretended i had never even walked out and said "have a nice day" again. i get to class and of course everyone is asking me, why are you still here? ugh, it stunk.
on top of that, i totally wasn't prepared for my last three classes because i wasn't supposed to be there!
okay, vent is over... i'm better now.

have a nice day

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