Wednesday, November 15

you can't wear red to target

after coming home from manhattan beach (and after an unfortunate loss for our girls volleyball team in the cif semis) i headed for target...
as i walked up to the sliding doors, something totally started to bug me. i didn't figure it out at first, but as i reached for one of those hand baskets, i realized it--i, in my bright red custom-ironed jacket, matched the basket... in fact, i matched the rest of the store as well. for some reason, it just threw me off. i felt so akward. i was sure that if i were to stand in front of one of their sale signs or lay down on that big red stripe on the floor, i would disappear. it was jsut too weird for me...
so i have made a mental note: don't wear red to target.

the end

1 comment:

  1. did anyone ask you for help or ask if you worked there?
