Friday, December 15

it wasn't so bad after all

okay, so i have been ragging on this book "traveling mercies" for quite a while now, and last night i finished the book.
well, after reading the last few chapters, i found myself saying, "good book" as i turned the last page and finished. i was a little shocked at what i said, but then i realized that i meant it.
okay, so the beginning was depressing, and the lack of emotion in the beginning bugged me. and througout the book, there were parts where i was just not happy with what i was reading.
but you know what? her writing style grew on me and i actually started to like it as the book went on (except for the occasional f bomb here and there).
her stories were actually good, and it's crazy how her lessons she learned connect so well with the story.
the book was basically filled with many stories of life, lessons of life, and thoughts on life.
so yes, in the end, it wasn't so bad after all.
here are two good quotes:

"But then when i grew up i found that life handed you these rusty bent old tools--friendships, prayer, conscience, honesty--and said, Do the best you can with these, they will have to do. And mostly, against all odds, they're enough."

"I started to feel like a tired, wired little kid at a birthday party who has had too much sugar, who is in all ways on overload, but still finds herself blind-folded and spun around for a game of pin-the-tail-on-the-donkey, and then pushed more or less in the direction of the wall with the donkey on it."

kind of makes me want to write my own book.

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