Sunday, December 3

shake your booty

just gonna let you know now... the title has absolutely nothing to do with this post... just felt like typing that.
so i had a wedding gig today, and i was reminded yet again why i don't dream of being a famous wedding videographer... here's a quick list.
1) WAY too many things can go wrong... and even one of them going wrong is too much, adding much pressure.
2) no fun... all work no play, and that stinks when you are doing a friend's wedding
3) it's the work that keeps on working... i may be done with filming, but thanks to a second camera, the filming of the reception, and a bystander, i've got six... let me repeat that... SIX FULL tapes to import and edit through... that's over 6 hours of tape... 6 hours of my time working on this gig and i am not even editing it yet.
4) it's tough. photographers have it easy... they capture moments and can run around. videographers have to catch consecutive moments and have to stay still while filming or later viewers will barf from all that shakiness (ooh, shake connection).
5) embarassing... especially with my dinky camera. filming a wedding with the camera i have is like playing the us open with an old beat up wooden racket... it doesn't look good and the quality stinks.
6) embarassing in other ways. i hit the wall today with my tripod while moving from one spot to another at the beginning of the ceremnoy... it was loud. not good.
7)weddings become too familiar... i actually noticed that the pastor forgot a part... he forgot to have the bride say "with this ring i thee wed." the groom said it though.

okay, i've just noticed something. i've been complaining on my blog a lot lately, so i am first of all going to stop. second of all, i am going to make it up to yall by puting a funny picture up.
okay, it's
not hilarious, but it's good :)


  1. did a great job at the wedding yesterday! The clanking of the tri-pod was not's just that I SAW it happen. :) And you're right, I didn't get a chance to talk to you much (that was a bummer). I'm sure the whole thing will turn out beautifully! You have a gift. :)
    Blessings on your day, see you tonight.

  2. six hours! yuck! thats like a school day, but i'm sure it will turn out fantastic. oh and cute picture. i like it. se ya tomorrow! :)
