Friday, January 5

get thee to the getty

yo fui al museo de getty hoy.
first of all, i made the big mistake of putting all my sweatshirts and jackets in the wash at the same time about a half-hour before i left for the museum. so, i had nothing warm to wear.
my friend also forgot her jacket, and when we arrived, it was stinking cold. oh, and not to mention... i have been really looking forward to the tram ride up to the museum, but when we arrived, the lady (not the phantom) of the tollbooth said that the tram was feeling sick today and was not running. yes, she talked of the tram as if it were a 5 year old child. and like a 5 year old child, i was super bummed, as if my favorite ride at disneyland (peter pan) were closed for the day. i got over it and we were soon distracted by the immense cold and the constant wind attacking us while we waited in a super long line for the buses to shuttle us up to the museum.
side story: can you guys believe how windy it was last night??? it was incredible!. i almost stayed awake all night because i enjoyed listening to it, and we hardly get that kind of wind around here. i seriously thought my windows would shatter because the wind was so strong... crazy!
back to the getty.
i saw that they had a photography exhibit called "where we live, photographs of america" and we decided to go to that exhibit. (by the way, we went to the museum b/c we had a museum visit project to do for school). anyway, the exhibit was really cool, and i wanted to buy the book that had all the pictures in it, but as i turned the book to see the cost, i laughed and grabbed a postcard instead. anyway, it was a really cool exhibit with lots of awesome photos, and i recommend you guys go see it (seeing how admission is FREE, $8 parking fee and $8 pasta aside... pack a lunch if you go, at least i will next time).
so we survived the cold and had a good time. my first trip to the getty, ya know.

here comes the weekend!

1 comment:

  1. funny, this sounds familiar....maybe cause i just posted about the same thing! yeah, i'm definatly glad to have on a nice warm sweat shirt, in a nice warm house right now. :)

    so now we visited a museum. time to write the paper....blah.
    thaks again for a fun time! :) enjoy the rest of your break!
