Monday, January 8

paper or plastic?

so i had temporarily abandoned the job hunt, but i was reminded of it today, and it had been on my mind all day. after school, jenny and i went over to pavillions to get post-lunch, and while waiting in the check out, i noticed it was taking a long time even though we were in the express check. i looked around to see hardly any workers. so i began to talk to jenny of my frustrations in the job world while we were waiting, and i could tell the check out lady was kind of listening. so after i paid, i curiously asked, "are you guys..." and before i could spit the word out the lady was nodding her head "yes" very excitedly and said that they were understaffed at this time (after school, the only time i am really available). so she told me to apply online and then call in.
so i got home, and that is exactly what i did. after i applied, i called in and left a message and the lady said that the manager would call me sometime today.
i think i may have finally found a job!
so all you pavillion shoppers, you just might see me bagging your groceries or pushing carts around in the parking lot...
lets hope the call comes and hope that i get an interview...
oh, the interview. i've never had a job interview before... i'm kinda scared...
okay, one step at a time.


1 comment:

  1. ooooo! exciting!...haha i just got a mental picture of you going out to the parking lot to retrieve all the scattered carts while wearing one of those little apron things. i can't invision you bagging groceries though...i'll have to see it to believe it.....hmmm? good idea! maybe i'll have to come by and give you a hard time. you know tell you that your doing it all worng or that i said paper not plastic. i'm just kidding! i wouldn't be THAT mean to you.
    hope it all works out!
    see ya tomorrow! :)
