Tuesday, January 30

sore hands and $5

so i lost $5 in a bet that it wouldn't rain while we were at school because i so firmly believed that it doesn't rain during the day anymore.
and my hands are sore from squeezing a lot of tennis balls :)

anyway, here's the exciting news that you all have been eagerly waiting for:
mark your calendars, my friends, because on friday february 23rd, between the hours of 3:30 and 7 pm, i will be dancing around in a cow suit at the new chick-fil-a :) please do come and visit :)

that's all for now... if you haven't read the post below, i encourage that you do :)


  1. awww, that's a cute story on your other post. and that's super exciting about you dancing around in a cow suit. that's something i'll have to see to believe...well, not really. i actually can invision you dancing around in a cow suit...sorta. :)
    see ya! :)

  2. You can count on me and my camera. :) And I loved the "darget" story. Great connection Stina.

  3. I will come and visit -- after you give me my $5! :-D just kidding! I'll be there AND I will be SQUARE!
