Tuesday, January 16

when nervous, go british?

that was the title i forgot...i know, not really genious, but i'll explain.
when i was talking to the manager, i was a bit nervous, and for some reason i kind of had a british accent...
for example... first thing i said was that i was following up on an application i filled out, and "application" came out more "opplication" and "up" was more of and "op" and so on.
so instead of stuttering, i was british-ing. weird.


  1. you get sick a lot. you should sleep more =P hope you're feeling better, being sick is no no fun =(

    i want to talk to you about all your job stuff and other stuff and stuff! unfortunately, i'm very poor at returning phone calls and unless i receive a very silly message i forget when people call me. let's talk soon =)

  2. I like it because in Kellogg's there's "ello" which sounds british, like "hello gov'ner"

  3. Awwwwww, poor Stina. We missed you at school today! I wanted to tell you a joke, but you weren't there. Here it is:
    Q: Why should you never marry a tennis player?
    A: Because love means nothing to them!
    hee hee hee! Hope to see you tomorrow! :-)

  4. thats odd. do you often talk that way? maybe even practice in your spare time? :)
    awww, another lonely 7th period for me tomorrow? oh well, as long as you get better. it will be a challange without you, but i think i can manage. :) (hopefully)
    hope you feel better soon! :)
