Thursday, March 29

ok, so i took the time to journal out everything last night about all that happened yesterday.
it's kind of long, but i figured the best way to let you guys in on this stuff is to just transfer it to the blog... i got the chance to tell some friends the story today, but i wanted to get it out to all of ya since i probably won't see most of you in person anytime soon...
nearly speechless.. i can't even imagine how to begin this... but i guess i can give it a shot.
yesterday in land culture book, Mr. Bex told us that if it were to rain that night or the next day, we should be prepared to go out into it. he told us to pray for some rain, and we thought for sure there would be some rain that night because the skies were cloudy and grey.
next morning (tuesday) i woke up, put on multiple layers expecting a rainy day, and stepped outside a little bit before 7am and nothing but clear blue skies. i was so bummed, but i remember thinking, "although it's not likely, i know you could changet he weather in an instant Lord." i kind of sent up a little prayer.
as the day went on, it was chilly, but not a single cloud in sight. after lunch we all walked to land culture book observing the sky, still not a cloud in sight... bummed. i'm sure everyone sent up a little prayer at that moment.
two minutes to go in class, and someone noticed there was a big black cloud... we all looked through the window and thunder sounded. i asked if we could go outside to look and mr. bex went outside to look with us. the wind had picked up majorly, and it got really cold. the bell to go to 6th period rang, but we just stood there looking up at one of the biggest clouds i have ever seen. mr. bex joked at first, "anybody have important 6th periods?" nut then the wind picked up more, and the cloud was jsut about engulfing our school... mr bex turns and says "come follow me," and then took off. without hesitation, we followed...
followed him down dumont, past king kelly's marmalade factory, to the bridge over the river bed. on the way there, mr bex said with a chuckle, "i am breaking so many rules right now."
on the bridge, cars whizzed by, and the wind picked up so much, that none of us could stand on our own. the wind picked up so much dirt and debri that we couldn't see the next bridge down the riverbed. we had all huddled close together to avoid the flying dirt and dust and to gain stability in the strong wind. it was then that mr bex started his lesson, which i will do my best to retell...
GENESIS 1... in the beginning, there was chaos. mr bex pointed down to the rushing riverbed and explained how a flooding river was an eastern symbol for chaos. so in the beginning, when the world was a mass of raging water, it was chaos. however, God seperated the chaotic waters and brought ORDER into the world. then comes genisis 3... after God brought order, satan decides to disorder and bring back chaos in the form of temptation and sin... and he is successful.
Jesus' Baptism... Jesus goes into the river (the chaos). the skies open above and God brings order back through Christ. not long after, Jesus goes in to the desert where satan tempts Jesus... SAME CYCLE...
so today, if we saw someone in the riverbed below, in this chaos, would we just yell down to them, "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING?! GET OUT OF THERE!!... oh ya, and WE'RE PRAYING FOR YOU!" would we?
our class would go down there, link together for stability, and get that man out of the river, out of the chaos.
keep in mind that as mr bex is saying all this, the wind is blowing over 40 mph, rain begins to pour down, slushy hail starts to come down, wind was so loud and bex is practically yelling... chaos was all over.
the feeling was amazing... i lifted my eyes to let the rain fall on my face and take in all that i was hearing, learning, seeing, feeling... it was overwhelming. bex would ask us questions and we would shout them over the wind and cars. and although we didn't know at the time, trees were being twisted and broken by God's wind (check out psalm 29).
within 5 minutes of us getting to our 6th period classes (about halfway through), the storm was over.
looking back, when people talked about the storm, i can't help but feel in my heart that that storm was ours. God gave us that storm... He did it for us... He answered our prayers in His amazing way...
I experienced a miracle today, and i will never forget it.
so there you go, thats what happened yesterday.
that was a long post... i best leave it at that :)

chow chow

1 comment:

  1. Stina,
    Amazing. Incredible. God was there!
    I was in the midst of it too as I was trying to walk 2 students back to class...all the trashcans had tipped over and trash was flying. One of the students asked me if it was a tornado...I smiled.
    I was never afraid....but strangely calm and at peace. God was right there too.
