Sunday, March 11

refined like sugar

what a day!!!
so much fun stuff... i did a lot today... i went to a baby shower this afternoon (which was at a tea house that had delicious scones and tiny sandwhiches... i like tiny sandwhiches... fun stuff) and then from there i was off for palm desert... why to palm desert? well, for tennis of course!
can you believe it??? it feels like yesterday i was posting my pics from the tournament last year, but here we are...
so i got here in time for the two night matches... and who was playing in the two night matches???
i tell ya, watching him play in person is a whole other experience.
i could go on and on about andy, but i have some funny things to tell.
my grampa introduced me to some of the people who sit next to them, and one of them was this guy... at least 70 years old... so my grampa said this is so-and-so, so-and-so this is cristina...
as i put my hand out to shake his hand and say nice to meet you, i look at his hand which he also put out, but in the form of a clenched fist... with my hand open in hand-shake form, i looked at his hand confused and puzzled... i looked at him, and he smiled and said, "pound it." maybe you older folk don't quite understand what went down here, but all yall that are my age, you can appreciate the hilarity of this! i pounded fists with an old man! and he started it! he smiled as if he knew the missing link of communication between senior citizens and senior high schoolers.
there was this other guy who was interesting... i had an interesting conversation where i thought he said something and i was soooo confused, but then 5 minutes later i worked out in my head what he really said... i'm not going to repeat that conversation.
but something else... he was rooting for the guy who was playing andy, and he knew that i was rooting for andy. this guy roots loud, and at one point, a point where i was tired and sleepy, he turns to me and says, why aren't you rooting loud for andy, i thought you wanted him to win? i replied with a "i'm not the loud-rooting type," but then he tells me it's because i am refined...
i am refined?
i took it as a complement, but then the rest of the night all i could think in my head was, i am sugar... sugar is refined... i am refined sugar.
i dunno, it was funny to think about in my head.

i am sleepy
oh so sleepy
as sleepy as sleepy can be
and i pity, anyone who isn't as sleepy as me
duh nuh nuh nuh nuh

-) the cyclops is sleepy as well


  1. I've had so many old guys make me pound it. Its so weird because i don't even do that with my friends. Mr. Rhodes made me pound it on friday. I asked him if i missed anything because i was sick and he was like... yea sure your sick haha and then he stuck out his fist.. at first i was like... what is he doing. and then i was like oh he wants me to pound it.. so i did and felt awkward. well that's my story.

  2. hmmm? maybe he meant your free from impurities...that's what i allways thought refined meant anyway. or maybe he meant your sweet like sugar! i dont think so though. no one could possibly be under the impression that your sweet. ha ha you know i'm just teasing you. of course your sweet! personality wise, not taste. because i havent tasted you and frankly don't want to. wow, talk about sugar. i think i may have had too much of it. :)

  3. Hahahahaha! Pound it!!! That's awesome!
    And refined isn't bad. Repressed is. And you aren't repressed.
