Monday, March 19

well i would walk 500 miles...

and then i would post 400 times.
oh well, i tried to be clever, but it didn't quite come out like i thought it would.
anyway, i was trying to say this in a clever way, but i'll just say it how it is:
what a fun day to post too... although it was another boring monday, a few things hepled it along and added some humor to life :)

senior play parts were posted today, and from now on i will be answering to the name of Mary. i am a tourist (who's not quite all there in the head) and i get to speak swiss in one of my lines! that's all i will tell you. and it's not a huge part (i'm in two scenes, one in the beginning and one in the end) but its a fun part. so you'll have to come see the senior play in may.

other fun stuff... oh! i called my work after school to find out my work schedule for the week. before i get into this, let me just say this: the managing staff at chick-fil-a.. they're totally cool people, a lot of fun, but they haven't been the best at the actual managing parts, especially when icomes to knowing labor laws and your employees availability... back to the story...
i called in today because they post schedules on saturdays (when i don't usually work) and i don't work mondays, so thats when i call in to see what time i need to come in to work on tuesdays.
so this is the conversation goes once i call and ask for my schedule...
"uh, cristina, looks like your supposed to be working today... actually right now..." (keep in mind i am calling at 2:45, when school got out.)
i reply, "um i don't work mondays, what do you mean i am supposed to be working right now?"
"it says here, cristina stavro, monday, 2pm-6pm."
"um...(long pause) that's not possible. first of all, i don't work mondays. second of all, uh, even if i did, i don't get out of school until 2:45..."
"well, you're supposed to be here at 2pm today."
"i was in school at 2pm today. and i don't work mondays."
she actually got a little angry with me! so i took a moment and explained to her how i talked with my boss (who makes the work schedule) about not working mondays. and then i explained that i didn't need to explain why i couldn't be there at 2pm. finally, after a little bit of discussion, we finally got to the point about me coming in tomorrow at 4pm... the usual.
i hung up and was just amazed.. 2pm, you kidding me???
3o minutes later, i get a call from a co-worker (who is actually someone that i played soccer with when i was about 7 or 8 years old... isn't that crazy!?!) and she had a schedule conflict and wanted to trade shifts, so she tells me, "i'm working friday 4-8, but i can't, so will you switch with me for your wednesday shift... it says here that you are working from 6-10 on wednesday... wanna switch?"
hmmm... 6-10 on wednesday. first of all, i switched because it actually worked in my favor. second of all, my availability sheet clearly says that i WILL NOT work past 9pm on a school night... plus, i think labor laws say that i can't. hmm, another thing to talk to my boss about.

that story was longer than necesary.

wow, 400 days of posting... thats pretty crazy...
i will end this memorable post with a few quick questions/things i learned about mormonism today...
does a fish get cramps after it eats?
why does your nose run, and your feet smell?
if Barbie is so popular, why do you have to by her friends?
could it be that all those trick-or-treaters wearing sheets aren't dressed up as ghosts, but as matresses?
one of the goals for mormon women (as learned in a video today) is to, once they die and go to heaven as a god, be eternally pregnant and populate their own planet with one spirit baby after the other.

being eternally pregnant doesn't sound like fun to me.

have a jolly ol' tuesday

1 comment:

  1. i dont know about you, but my feet normally do the running and my nose the smelling. maybe your feet just smell so bad your nose runs to try and block the smell....ha ha just teasing you my friend! :)
