Wednesday, March 14

you're so vain... you probably think this post is about you

i can't get over this.
so on my way back from palm desert (where i was not playing hookey), i was listening to the traffic, and for a sec i switched over to the good ol oldies station. i heard this song that i really liked... i dunno, i just liked the beat, and i thought the lyrics were funny...
so now, about 45 minutes ago, the beat came back in to my head because i remembered i wanted to find it on itunes, but i could not remember the lyrics for the life of me... i wanted to look up the lrics online so that i could find the artist and name, but i could only remember a string of two words at most... the furthest i got was that part of the song went "i've got ____ in my _____, ____ in my _____."
unofrtunately, that doesn't do much when you search that.
then i rememebered that it went "you're so ____"
this wasn't helping at all.
then after 45 minutes of searching different little strings of words, it finally came in to my mind, and i couldn't stop laughing at what the words were:
"you're so vain..."
that's the title!!!
so then i went and got it on itunes and listened to it, and discovered that my other incomplete was "i've got clouds in my coffee, clouds in my coffee."
so ya, the chorus is "you're so vain, you probably think the song is about you.."
if you ask me, it sounds like it is about him... after all, she keeps saying "you are..."
anyway, the day is finally over.
maybe i can get some more sleep tonight...

clouds in my coffee... haha


  1. Carly Simon! WOOT! I like that song.

  2. Hahaha. She's actually singing about him. That's funny! I just LOLed!

    We're so screwed for gov.

  3. They sing that on "How to lose a guy in ten days..."

  4. i dont THINK this post is about me, i KNOW it's about me! as everything should be. ha ha i'm totally kidding. funny song though. :)

  5. Dearest Cristina... Today I spent my entire lunch hour looking up a song I remembered the tune and a few words to. This is why we are friends. I found the song and have a procedure that is quite fool proof when it comes to situations like these. Hows the sternum?
