Saturday, May 12

building a sukkah (sue-kuh)!!!

so on this coming tuesday, me shiloh jim and rebekah are doing a presentation on the jewish festival of Sukkot (sue-coat)... sukkot is the most joyous festival that is celbrated to give thanks to God for the harvest and to remind them of the wandering in the wilderness... and to celebrate God's faithfulness. they celebrate by building a sukkah which is a hut that has three walls and a roof made of greenery like palm branches.
so for part of our presentation, we wanted to put together and show a sukkah... shiloh and i went to home depot and figured we'd be able to figure this all out. we needed something we could build for practice, take it down, and build again on tuesday. at home depot, we stood in the lumber section and just kind of looked and thought, hmmm, how are we going to do this. honestly, our approach was, nail hear, hammer there, and vuala... a sukkah... but as we thought about it more... mmmm, not gonna work. so i called the one person i know that can pretty much build anything and has the tools to do anything...devin. i tried to explain to him over the phone what we were doing and what we were going to buy, and then asked him if we could go to his house and he could help us out. he ended up coming to home depot, coming up with a better plan while we were there, helped us get the materials we needed. as he did this, shiloh and i looked at eachother thinking, ya, we were no where near this plan in our heads, and this new plan (is much cooler) and makes much more sense. after finally managing to get the materials (which were actually larger than my car) inside my car, we went to devin's house where he pulled out the power tools. i personally am not the best with power tools (actually, i had never used them before). but today, i learned to use a jigsaw and a power drill, as did shiloh. jim came by and helped out too. but this sukkah is awesome!!! we had so much fun building it, and it came out great. check out the pics!!!



    nice sukkah. i like that you enlisted devin's help =)

  2. ::scream of death::!!!! Shiloh with power tools!!!!!!!!

  3. Hooray! That's an awesome sukkah. So sorry I missed out... it would've been fun to help build it.

    Did you get your tattoos on Friday???

    I almost forgot! CONGRATULATIONS on the Kok scholarship! You rock, Stina. :)

  4. That is HUGE! Holy moly!!! How on earth did you fit than in your car???
