Wednesday, May 23

fabulous... you need to get flashed

remember my dead phone?
well, it's actually officially dead... actually, the term might be "vegetable."
we charged it for an entire day since the battery was dead, and when i got home from school, i unplugged it to turn it on and call someone.
a white screen came up:"starting... please wait."
i waited.
finally it was on, but something was a bit different. i am going to wait to tell you what all is wrong with it... i want you to experience this like the gal at the verizon store experienced this.
I walked in to the verizon store this afternoon, and you could say i had a smirk on my face. i had this smirk because i knew i pretty much had the most awesome phone trouble any one phone could have.
"hi, how may i help you today?"
"Hi. Well... i recharged my phone for the day, but when i turned it on after it was done charging, i found that all my settings had been erased. also, all my contacts have been erased, and my phone is on analog roam, and i can't make any calls cause it tells me i need to talk to an operator, and i can't recieve any calls, and oh ya... the battery is about to die... it's in the red."
the lady looks at me, pauses to take it all in as i stand there smirking... she replies, "fabulous."
so we spent some time sitting there trying to figure things out. another thing we discovered that it randomly changed it's phone number to some number with a 619 area code, and then 5 minutes later, it changed the number on its own again to a 000 000 0000 number (my second encounter with this creepy phone number). she was online with customer service the whole time trying to figure it out, but nothing worked. she even used the expression "for crying in the mud" ... you know, like "for crying out loud," but different. i thought it was hilarious. she had one last suggestion...
"you need to get flashed." hmmm, never thought i would hear that... "your phone that is... your phone needs to be flashed."
so we went to another store where they had phone technicians, and we walked in with my phone, "i was told i needed to get flashed... my phone needs to be flashed cause its really really messed up." he asked what was wrong with it... and i proudly gave an account as to the coolest phone complications my phone was enduring. he laughed. "flashing will not work, but we can try anyway."
he tried.
it didnt work.
my phone is dead. bummer part? our contract upgrade thing is on june 24! it almost made it to the 2 year mark, but unfortunately it came up short. good thing is that verizon will probably allow us to move up that date so that i can get a new phone, but it will probably take a week. so as of right now, don't call me, cause i won't answer. i dont even know if i can get messages anymore.
poor phone... rest in peace.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds suspiciously like "you need to get naked..."

    (you won't get naked juice, of course)
