Wednesday, May 9

"Oh, Dear!"

I smiled and replied, "yes ma'am, oh dear is right... it's super tough."

i was having a nice little chat with a nice little old lady. I had just walked out of the testing room for a 10 minute break before going back in for the written portion of our exam. as i was about to walk outside, i stopped to chat with this nice little old lady who was slowly making her way through the door. i said "hello" and "how are you?" to her as she walked in, and after responding with a bright smile, she said "good morning" and asked how my day was. i explained to her that we were in the midst of a big test and were on a break right now, and she curiously inquired as to what type of test. the moment i uttered "calculus" the nice little old lady put her little hands to her face and exclaimed (as much as a nice little old lady could exclaim) "Oh, Dear!" i laughed a bit, and she put my hand on my shoulder and told me she was sorry to hear that, but then bid me good luck. we then chatted about the weather a bit, since it was so incredibly beautiful... had we had some tea and crumpets, our afternoon tea party would have been complete. what a nice little old lady :)

after saying good bye, i went outside and enjoyed my snack while enjoying the sun outside for the remainder of the break. by the way, our testing was taken at a church, so this nice little old lady wasn't just wandering around our campus... it was at a church... ya, anyway.

so this test... incredibly long... let me break it down for yall
55 minute non calculator multiple choice (about 20-some questions)
50 minute calculator multiple choice (17 questions)
45 minute calculator written response (3 questions... yes, it takes 45 minutes for these 3 monster questions)
45 minute non calculator written response (again, 3 monster questions)

sound pretty crazy? it was, but i must say i was not stressed at all... nothing to lose or gain, so i just kicked back and took the test... literally, i had extra chairs next to me, so i put my feet up, got comfy, and took the test. twas rather nice. and on my last question on the non calculator written, i had exhausted all my different ideas on how to solve it, and after finding absolutely no solution, with 5 minutes left, what do you do???

draw a picture.

a math related picture... taking the integral of spider man on the interval from 0 to spidey... which is the anti-derivative... and the solution is peter parker + C... i'll try to replicate it so you can see what it looks like.. all you math geeks in calc should laugh... all you others can laugh at my ridiculous drawing skills:

and then we had an hour for lunch afterwards so me and two friends went to subway and golden spoon, and then back to school for an hour, and then school was out... easy day... easy day. and then coaching of course, which it was a good day for that too.. the kids are getting so good!
i am so proud of them :)
later gator


  1. congrats on completing the calc exam. what a blessing to run into that nice little old lady in the midst of it all! :)

  2. Well I bet you're glad that's over haha.

    So you know what I decided you're getting me a my graduation present? A copy of the video of you dancing alone summer after freshman year. I would seriously love you forever.

  3. I love the pic where one of your friends is holding the other in the palm of her hand. Haha.

    How soon do you find out the results to the test?


  4. The integral from 0 to spider (d-spider) of Spiderman is Peter Parker (+C, of course). Brilliant!
