Friday, June 1

pick on somebody your own size

i chose this post title for two reasons... 1, its a line from the senior play, which was opening night tonight, and 2, my dog demonstrated this philosophy the other night.
1. opening night went really well, surprising the cast since we hadn't done a complete run through of the play until tonight's performance. gracias to my friends who came tonight!
2. my dog, who is small as most of you know, crosses paths with opossums occasionally due to the fact of our neighbors owning opossums. we fear for tippy because he is quite smaller and weaker than the typical opossum. however, i hear from my parents that last night, a little baby opossum wandered into my dog's territory. now, i don't know if it's the mane that i have created for him or if he has just been watching too much tv, but he went after that thing and managed to grab hold of it in his mouth. some of you know how my dog plays with little stuff animals and viciously shakes them, or for those of you who have seen my recent grad announcement movie, tippy does this shake thing in his little clip.
he did that to the opossum!
isn't that gross
however, i must say i am proud of my dog. he finally asserted his dominance in his kingdom (our backyard) and showed that little opossum who is in charge.
the opossum lived and scurried off.
my dog's already humungo ego has now tripled in size.

i am tired.

tomorrow is friday
and next week is the last week of classes and seniro trip to catalina

my eyes had a rough night. in a matter of the past hour, i have managed to forget about the makeup and rub eyeshadow/mascara in my eye, then squirt grapefruit juice in my eye while eating it as my late night snack, then soap from scrubbing off all the makeup (i thought i could carefully scrub my eye lids, um ya... no), and finally, toothpaste that flicked up off of my toothbrush while i was rinsing it.

how about i give my eyes a break and close them for hours on end.

yay, or nay?

ich weis nich wo ist der Americanescher Express Haus? Wo ist?


  1. I'm sad I wasn't able to see your grand performance last night. I'll just watch your DVD again and pretend that you're acting in front of a live audience. Hope "it's" good.

  2. Great job last night! So glad you invited us and so glad I got to see your cool orange dress. :)
