Thursday, June 21

circus freak?

so what does the graduate learn to do?

i found myself home alone, and i found myself making phone calls but only hearing the answering machine. i finally contacted one of my friends (the one who tp-ed me, and the one who i tortillad the other night). i had fun with all the different modes of transportation today... first, i walked over to his house instead of drive (i dunno why i never did that before). once i arrived, i started hopping around on the pogo stick. then i attempted the wave board, which is really weird, like a skateboard, but only two wheels and made of two wobbly parts. and then came the mode of transportation that i have always admired about my friend, but have always failed at over the years.
my friend walks out, looks at me and says, "it's about time you learn to ride this thing... finally..." and then he holds up his unicycle. unicylce??? one wheel???
so, after practicing for about an hour while at his house, he told me to take it home with me (because i was actually making progress). so i walked home with a unicycle... a few interesting looks by passer-bys.
then i got home and practiced for about another two hours...
in this time period:

we just got new neighbors across the street about two days ago. there's a girl my age, and then there's a boy maybe about 16. the girl arrived while i was on the sidewalk practicing (i still don't know how to get on a unicycle, so i use two chairs for balance, and then let go and ride). anyway, i was practicing (and of course with a helmet), when she gets out of her car with her friend, looks at me, laughs, and says, "freak" and walks away... in a total catty teenage girl manner. i sat there on my unicycle, just staring in unbelief.... um, okay, cause what she says SO matters to me. then her brother skates out and stands there a minute watching me practice... then when i look over, expecting another insult (if that's what you can call whatever that was)... instead: "hey." i look at him... um, hi.
then i went out to dinner with the woos (they took me under their wing tonight), and after we got back, i wanted to take pictures to put on the blog, and then my neighbor across the street came out and walked towards us: "hey, you trying out for the circus?" this was in a nicer manner though... we laughed, and i joked that i was. so we got a few pics...

by the way, i am not that good yet... i can go a little over 5 yards... which doesn't sound like a lot, but it's about 6 full pedal revolutions... but i am working on it!



  2. SWEET! i don't think you're a freak (not totally! ha ha just teasing you)...she was just jealous! :) i doubt i could ever stay on one of those things...i have enough issues with hand brakes on bicycles. remember?

  3. you are amazing! can you bring that to your party on friday?
