Sunday, July 8

and it goes a little something like this...

everything is figured out now. up until a bit ago, i wasn't 100% sure of what was going on the next few days. i finally figured it all out now, for the most part at least. it looks like i am packing up tonight and heading to grand rapids to stay at clavin. tomorrow is orientation where we figure out classes and have our meeting with our counselor and stuff. then on tuesday morning, we head off to wyoming (state, not city).
it's kind of a bummer because tuesday night is when my friends who have lived in south america this past year are coming here (it's with their parents that i am staying with right now)... so they'll be here up until like a day before i get back... but maybe they can be convinced to stay longer.

in tennis today, nadal took federer to 5 sets, but unfortunately still lost... stinkies.

one of the greatest things i have ever seen... at a meijer, i was glancing at the covers of the papers and magazines while waiting in line... and the cover of weekly wolrd news pretty much had the most awesome cover... here is the headline: "After Nearly Exploding--World's Fattest Cat Gets Buff: Read All About His Amazing Training Regimen! Can it Work For You?"

i nearly grabbed it and bought it... i was very curious as to what the cat's regimen was. the picture was great... have you ever seen a cat with pecs and a 6 pack, flexing and showing off his biceps? i have now. i took a picture of the cover with my phone.

i have to say that passes up when hillary clinton had an affair with an alien (named P'lok), and the alien published a book all about it. and also when an adoption agency was caught giving out shaved baby apes instead of humans.

speaking of aliens, in the bottom left corner of this cover there is a pic of thomas jefferson... so what did he do??? Fathered an alien love child, of course.

i must say that although these things are completely ridiculous, they totally make me smile and laugh rather loud in public.

i hope this brought at least a chuckle to you guys.

so yes, i am pretty sure that the rockies don't have fre wi-fi or anything, so i won't be posting for the next chunk of time. but when i get back, you better expect a ton of pictures.

ta ta for now


  1. Have fun, Stina! We miss you!

  2. funny cover.
    have fun in wyoming! i look forward to many pictures! :)

  3. cristina, i heard about your trip to the place that you're at right now from your mom through the window. i'm thinking about calling you but you probably can't answer right now. i hope you're feeling okay. MAKE SURE TO COVER YOURSELF IN DEET (the 30% kind apparently)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. how do those people even make money with such ridiculous stories? haha. Well anyways, stay safe in the Rockies!
