Thursday, July 26

SOLO (and on the way out, and two pics from jackson)

so this was my solo spot (where i spent 8 hours on my own doing some good stuff like reading, writing, praying, reading, more writing, a nice little nap...) my spot was this little peninsula that jutted out in to the lake... pretty sweet!

i spent a lot of time in my sleeping bag for the cold at first, but then eventually to just stay away from the mosquitos. but what an amazing place, huh? imagine waking up to that after a nice little cat nap!

plus, i could see freemont peak from where i was... crazy to see how big it is the day after climbin it. there is a little mountain right in front of it, but between the two mountains is where the saddle is (this isn't a really good pic of it)... but basically the mountain in the dead center of the pic is it... i think.

this was the next night, and the clouds looked amazing, as usual!

this is me giving a thumbs up in celebration of wearing a new outfit! haha

after getting out of the winds, and stopping in pinedale (all the civilization you need) we headed 45 minutes west to jackson where we would stay for a night in this free camp site that was in the middle of the buffalo reservation... so these last two pics are 1) breakfast in the tetons and 2)buffalo in the tetons. as we were driving in, there was a buffalo 10 feet from my window... AMAZING!

after jackson, we headed back for vedauwoo, which i had been waiting for all trip long becuse at vedauwoo, where we would be climbing again, is where i would have one of the best firsts ever...

that comes next!

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