Monday, August 13

chippin' away

woke up this morning, looked out the winow at the pond, and there stood, drinking from the water, a deer and her two fawns! so incredibly awesome. by the time i reacted and grabbed my camera, i couldn't get a good angle without scaring them away, so you have to look really close to see them... left side... you can see their reflection too.

then i got to work and helped unload this trailer full of wood chips. it was such a big pile, but i shoveled all of it into buckets which she would pour in her garden... it was tough stuff... when the chips are packed, it's hard to get that shovel in there... so that's when i discovered a pitch fork! those things are fun!
i also helped them unload this huge moving truck too... soooo much stuff. again, tough stuff, but hey, it feels good to get some good work in. the weather was absolutely amazing today. incredible. as i was sitting on the porch reading, sitting in the sun cause it felt really good today, i managed to take a little nap. sweet.

i've been watching this show called "platinum weddings" where people have these weddings, and their budget (or lack of budget, if i might say) is enough to make you cry. the cake alone... o my goodness, some of them would equate to like $50 for every bite of cake you eat. and flowers!?
these people are insane... these huge elaborate weddings, costing $650 thousand... destination weddings where you travel to some resort and the wedding last 5 days...
you know what this show has done to me? no, not want a huge wedding... the EXACT opposite.
lets just say i plan on starting my own garden to take care of all the flower stuff whenever i get married. and i am going to learn to sew better.
and watch out people, i might be hitting you up for your backyard!

good stuff.

ciao for now


  1. Sounds like you are having fun out there in MI! Your mom gave me the link to your blog so I thought I would take a look and see what you have been up to!

    I love your thoughts on weddings. Right on!

  2. Hey Yessica...como estas?!?!? Wanna come over and clean up my backyard? It looks like you are having lots of fun and some awesome experiences. Spent sat night in your room, bed and your clothes (slobbered and stank them up...will wash though). I wanted a curly wig so badly so I could just start talking accross to Jenni, but could not find such a thing, plus she had gone to sleep by 2am. I would love a platinum wedding (never gonna happen though) But I think a poochinum wedding would be more appropriate...Well take care and keep on doing awesome stuff...please dont shoot any animals...just insects k?

  3. You can totally hit up my garden.
