Friday, August 3

howdy howdy

today, was an awesome day...
how can you go wrong when your day consists of bike riding in the morning to go run a few errands, kayaking in the afternoon with some friends, and some good tennis at night (and handfulls of blueberries throughout the day). this is what i call summer :)
kayaking was awesome... seriously, chilling down kalamazoo river (i still absolutely love the word "kalamazoo"... can't say it without smiling) in a kayak is pretty much the greatest. it was good times, lots of laughing... and the weather was awesome... and the water felt great. oh, and it's mating season for dragon flys... which i didn't mind until they decided to start landing on my legs and, well... that's just crossing the line... gross. we even caught a glimpse of a bald eagle.
and, alas, another "see ya later" had to be said today after we got back from kayaking... with the fieldhouses headed back to CA, i think this will be the first time i won't have any CA friends here... which let me say has been a HUGE blessing the past month... first my family and jenny were here when we first arrived... then the verwys were here that week after my fam left, then i went on the trip, beth was here for two days, and then the fieldhouses have been here... it was good stuff, and even if i wasn't necesarily hanging out with people, it was still really nice knowing that somebody was here.
so, although i had to say "see ya later" today :( i spent some time thinking, and in that time of thinking, i found that it's my last "see ya later" until christmas! it's all "howdy howdy" from here on out.
i think i can handle that. :)
in the meantime, i've got some 20-odd days til i move in at calvin, and i am going to enjoy them... starting with biking to 8th street tomorrow... haven't done that in a few days... i'll have lunch or something... no, i'll pack my lunch! yes.. this is good... and i'll bring a book... even better!
oh, we found a deer skull in our backyard... i'll put a pic up tomorrow...
and 17.5 is the unicycle lap count now...
for all the people that have seen my uncicyle with elk picture and have thought it real... and trust me, there's quite a few of y'all out there... i love you guys! you make me smile!

i think if i really did that, i would be banned from national parks... i think a permit is required to unicycle with the elks.


  1. Hey Cristina, I'm a lover of Elk and you should try creating a picture of you on your unicycle flying in the clouds...just give yourself some wings and you're good to go! Speaking of going, do you know where the extra wedding tapes my dad left you are at?

    Tia ria

  2. dude! i totally was like "wait a min?!?!" when i first looked at that picture. then i enlarged it and knew it had to be photo totally had me fooled up until that point though! :)
    i misssssss you! call meeeee!
