Wednesday, August 1

this is the month.


this is the month that pretty much everything comes together...

this is the month that:
-my fellow calvin friends make their way out here from CA to MI.
-i meet my room mate (who will be visiting MI in a week or so).
-i find out which dorm i am livng in at calvin.
-i move in to that dorm at calvin.
-my life as a college student begins.

oh, and this is also the month that DirecTV starts carrying the Tennis Channel (24 hours a day of tennis!!!) one of the many things i look forward to about visiting home for christmas!

in other news, i have now sucessfully circled the driveway 4 times, and am capable of unicylcing around the driveway and talking on the cell phone at the same time.

speaking of talking on the cell phone.

i used to hate talking on the phone... i'm absolutely terrible at it... and messages... i can't stand leaving messages... i try to avoid leaving messages at all costs! it's probably my least favorite task in the world.
now, althought i believe i am still not so great at talking on the phone , i actually enjoy it now ( i still dont like leaving messages!). it's fun talking to people and catching up and stuff... i talked to a friend for over 45 minutes yesterday! phones are cool.
moving away does that to ya i guess.

well, that's all folks... see ya

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