last day of september... tomorrow october begins.
can i just take the moment to say finally!!!
not in a bad way... it's just that september has been soooo stinkin long. i think most of that is because soo much happened in september that it's hard to believe it was all in the same month.
plus, believe it or not, i am really wanting the cold weather to come. it's been hanging out in the 70s lately, and it's supposed to hit 80 one more time this week.
all i have to say is, bring on the cold!
and to end september, i'd like to bring up the influences michigan and it's people have had on me.
1) the accent... it's getting pretty strong... especially in words like "awesome" "gosh" "happy" and the like. we've been noticing it a lot in eachother... it's quite funny.
2) early dinners.. we eat at like 5pm here. i never thought that was something i would do, but i've adapted to it pretty well. it no longer sounds early, but sometimes late. i have not started calling it supper though... and neither have i started calling soda "pop". i don't think that will ever happen.
3) this one is interesting. i was exposed to it a tiny bit back in california, actually. however, on my wilderness trip i was exposed to it even more, and then here at calvin, i've heard it more. it is now a regular expression, and some friends here have laughed at the fact that i say it so whole heartedly, but i've actually grown very fond it and don't even realize that i say it sometimes. you ready for this one?
"hokey pete"
ya, i know. that's what i thought when i first heard it. however, i find that sometimes that's the only way i can express my reaction to something, and so that's when it just comes out. that's pretty much what it is... a reaction. i don't know how much else to describe it. maybe like an "oh my gosh" or "wow".. some kind of exclamation... but all of that doesn't do it justice...
4)a way that i have not changed is sleeping habits. i still go to bed at my fairly usual time.. about 10 or 10:30, and then wake up at a bit before 7:30. that's partly due to my light schedule/workload, but also because i just can't function after 10pm... it was hilarious. last night, i went in to the bathroom to wash my face at about 10pm to get ready for bed. so there i was on one side of the sink washing my face to go to sleep, and on the other side of the sink was my suite mate putting on make-up to go out for a party or something. i thought it was pretty funny, as did my suite mate. they like to tease me about it... but not in a mean way. it's rather funny. if i am ever up past 10pm, they walk in and act all amazed... which it truly is amazing.
anyway, i found those little things to be fun, so i thought i would share them.
in other news, i finally fixed my watch. the band had fallen off during the road trip early this summer, and i had been trying to get it back on, but i couldn't do it for the life of me. all summer long i would keep trying. then i gave up for a bit, tried again a few times throughout the month til i gave up. i was pretty angry about it. i hate not wearing a watch. it drives me nuts. so this morning, with nothing else to do, i decided to give it one more shot and decided to not stop till i got it fixed. well, after about 10 minutes, i got it. so i am now happily wearing it and checking the time often just because its been so long since i have worn my watch.
i hope your september ends well.
Well, you said you hate seeing "No comments" so...
hee hee hee