Sunday, September 9

chaos day 2007... buzzzzzzzzzz

getting painted up for chaos day...
this is my RA, Biz...

working on the intimidation...
third noordy... best floor in all of calvin!!

our dorm mascots, petey the turtle and then the bison... i don't know his name.

this is one of the guys from our dorm, his name is Cloud. anyway, he did some crazy stuff with fire.

one of the relays... handling a volleyball with a hockey stick relay.

our group didn't do anything exciting... in fact, it was basically a geography quiz. we did the 50 states and others in our group did things like land masses, bodies of water... and so on. nothing exciting.. hence no action shots.

some guys working on one of the quizes.

tug of war. in the first round, it was SO awesome... we were about 4 inches from losing, and then we came back and won!!!
this is all of NVW celbrating after placing third for chaos day's events
suitemates and room mate.

here are two videos... one is of one of the competitions... whoever got the most people through the hoop in 4 minutes won. the second is from when they announced that NVW placed third... ya, we went pretty crazy!

so, after chaos day was ultimate frisbee tryouts. now, this is pretty awesome... i had soooo much fun. ultimate here at calvin is pretty intense, and pretty serious. its not an intramurla where there are multiple teams within calvin that play eachother... there's a varsity team, and they play other colleges. last year they made it to nationals, and this year they plan on winning it. last year they had no girls on the team. this year... well, lets just say that they were impressed and a few of the returning members assured me that i had a very good chance. there's another girl i met at tryouts who is pretty much same level as me, so hopefully we'll both make varsity.

i am so excited... i absolutely love the intensity and competitiveness of it... and we wear cleats!! i haven't worn soccer cleats since 8th grade... and i love soccer cleats. and the sprinting... i miss it, so it was fun sprinting down frisbees (and diving!). so we had a two hour practice yesterday, and i've got another practice tomorrow. sooooo much fun. oh, and we learned the forehand throw, which is essential for ultimate, since you pretty much only use a backhand throw for puts (kick off)... and now my forehand is better than my backhand (sounds a lot like another sport i play).

and then today me and my room mate had a good time finding a futon... goot room mate bonding. so now we have seating, and hopefully now people will come and sit and be our friends!

sweet stuff. well, i haope your weekends went well.


  1. Cool pics Stina!
    Post some pics with your new futon...

  2. yeah, those intimidating looks need some more work...i should show you guys how it's done. ha ha! just kidding! i would be terrified if i didn't know what sweet individuals you and rebekah both are!
    looks like a fun day! :)

  3. Dude what?! Ultimate frisbee team? I would totally join!

  4. RRRAWWWWWRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!! i just felt like doing that.
    float like a butterfly...sting like a bee. i think that's part of ricky martin's song. am i right?

  5. hahaha that´s awesome!!!

    you know what else is weird?? everything is in spanish right now because i´m on a spanish network. so it says ¨haga su comentario¨ on the top. hahahaha!

    anyway, ultimate friz sounds intense, but i´m glad you get to wear cleats. nothing says intense like cleats for a game with flying discs. where did this idea COME FROM??? i love it.
