Monday, September 24


oh, and the guys on the team have started calling me "cris." that is the one nickname in all my life that i have never wanted to be called... and i made it up to this point without ever having to deal with it. oh well, it's not as bad as i thought, but still... cris??? it just sounds so weird.


  1. tell them to call you stina because that's what i call you.

  2. ha ha! so on your post below i read the title and thought it said "my armpit hair" instead of "man". i was like okay then shave it, don't tell us about it. oh dear, i need sleep...either that or i'm just weird. or both is a possibility, huh cris? :) i don't think it fits you...

  3. Of all the parts of your name to choose, they choose the prefix "cris" when everyone calls you the suffix "STINA"

  4. i call you "cristina".
