Thursday, September 20

a good day doesn't have to be a friday

and i would like to subtitle this post: "connect four".

fantastic day today... filled with good stuff. so i am going to tell it all, and it might get long, but hey, i was a good day.
not that good days are rare or anything, it's just that today was exceptionally good :)

first of all... 7:30am, had a waffle for breakfast (as usual) so when you start your day off with that, it's already good. went back to the dorm, got ready for the day, and then figured out what i wanted to do with my time before class (which was philosophy at 10:30). so i decided to take some homework/study stuff down to the fish house, grab a chai latte, sit down, and get some work done... i was there for about an hour and a half, and it was some really good study time... i like studying there. so then i went to class, and after class had a quick lunch. and on my way back to the dorm from lunch, i realized how absolutely beautiful the weather was (low 80s)... sun shining, breeze blowing... and the commons lawn was calling my name. so i ran back to the dorm and called shiloh to see if she wanted to go down to the commons lawn with me and do some work and/or nap. so we went and got all settled in, and it wasn't long until shiloh realized she grabbed the wrong book--so she left to go back to her dorm. this is where connect four comes in. so i was just laying there reading the phaedo (one of socrates' dialogues) when angela walked up (the gal i went kayaking with this summer and who's allison's cousin--connection one). it was so great to see her, so she sat and ate her lunch/worked on some homework with me. but i have to do a bit of back tracking. last week, when i was talking to biz (my super cool RA) about some random stuff, and she asked me if i knew who angela was because according to biz, we just had to meet. so i laughed, and i was like, ya i know who angela is! so it turns out that angela was biz's RA (connection two). so back to today, when i was hanging with angela, she asked me what dorm i was in... so when i said third noordy and was about to mention that biz was my ra, angela flipped because i was on biz's floor. she was like, if i could've chosen to put you on any floor, i would put you on biz's floor (connection kinda three)! so it was hilarious, and we couldn't get over all the connections going on. so we had a fun time talking (and studying, of course). and then biz actually came along a little bit later too... so much fun. oh, and connection four... i dunno. i just wanted to say "connect four". so there isn't a fourth connection.
anyway, so that was a lot of fun... so shiloh and angela left for their classes, and i left to go back to the dorms where i got a call from jenny! so me and jenny talked on the phone for nearly an hour!!! that was a lot of fun. good times.
then after the phone call, i took a 1o minute nap. delightful.
after that, off to ultimate practice which was til 5:30pm, which at that point i ran from practice to the dining hall to eat a quick dinner (consisting of a bowl of cereal) and then about 10 minutes after getting to the dining hall, i was running out and up to my room to grab my unicycle and go off to my communications class. so i had class, then i got back to the form and we left for our floor date about 5 minutes after i got back.
we went to "buffalo wild wings". this place is awesome... amazing wings!!! (father, i will talk to you about it later).
then i just got back about 10 minutes ago and have been typing up this post.
what a full and fun day!!!!
and now...
i am tired.
and i am gonna sleep.
and tomorrow morning, i am gonna wake up, and start my day off with a waffle again...

lets see where the waffle takes me tomorrow :)


  1. Oh Cristina! You make me smile! What a most delightful day of connections. :) Thanks so much for sharing it with all of us. I'm anxious to give you a call here one of these days. In fact, I was thinking about doing it tonight, but you said that you were going to go to bed. Soon soon. By the way, you're awesome. ;)

  2. i want naked tenders

  3. how were the lovely guys from first bolt? they are very interesting... the normal guys weren't there. but yea i love connections... maybe its just because i'm dutch...
