Thursday, September 27

good thing ultimate isn't played with metal discs :)

so it is storming outside right now. amazing. so i ran all the way from the devos communication center from my class that ended at 7:15pm to try to get to ultimate practice (which was from 6pm-8pm) but was on the lower fields (far away). i got there at 7:23pm (and i even stopped in the dorm to get my cleats). i was in for 4 points when all of the sudden, the wind picks up, and lightening starts going off all over the place. we were throwing the disc and about 4 feet from our hands the disc would blow directly left. crazy. so we had to book it back to the dorm to not get downpoured on. it was awesome.
now to what i am really excited to post about.... sukkoth (sue-coat)!!!
some of you may remember me talking about this strange word back in may when we built this funky hut (sukkah) for this awesome class. well, yesterday at sundown was the beginning of the jewish festival sukkoth... feast of the tabernacles. we saw this on rebekahs calendar and immediately decided to celebrate. as a reminder, this is one of THE most joyous festivals, and it celebrates God's faithfullness during the exile (we think... almost positive). anyway, so we quickly made plans, went to meijer, baught a numerous amount of snacks (and a substitute lulav), came back and spread the word. we set up a sukkah made of sheets in my room (with my room mates consent) and shiloh, rebekah, and i planned to sleep under the sukkah for the night. so we got the food out, spread the word, and it was SOOOO much fun. we had music going, and people would stop in to see why we had a "fort" set up, and why the food, and then they would stay, hear about sukkoth, and totally hang out. at one time, we had seven people in the room. but ya, multiple people dropped in for a while here and there.
so then later, we wanted to play pass the etrog, but we didn't have enough people. so we kind of just messed around with the two etrogs. then rebekah, shiloh, my room mate lindsey, and i all shook our lulav and recited the hallel together. so much fun!!! so here are pics from the night of partying!

and it's raining and storming, i am loving it!!!
oh, and i took my first test today (it was in philosophy) and i think i did a good job... we'll see!


  1. Mr. Bex would be proud...very proud!


  2. oh... i know how far the lower fields... thanks for saving us yesterday.

  3. SUKKOT!!!!

    Hmmmm, I had too much soup...


  4. SUKKOTH! Now I know what shiloh was going on about.

  5. Way to go ladies! Nice Sukkah. Hazaq!
