Saturday, October 27

o"hi"o... hammers and stones

"hi" from ohio.
so we played ultimate frisbee from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm on the front lawn of a rather large mansion. the front lawn could probably comfortably fit... um, i dunno, 10 soccer fields on it. ya, huge. we won four games and lost one game, so tomorrow we will be playing in the championship round.
so i've experienced the culture of a large ultimate tournament.. i will leave some of it out... but there was one team of guys who had obviously gone to the thrift store some time that week changed outfits very often, some of which included dresses, some vests, bright parachute pants, and icky enough as it is seeing fat hairy guys run around with their shirts off, one of the outfits was a speedo. gross... i know... the only thing worse than hairy guy pits are hairy guy thighs. and the guys on the team, knowing my extreme disgust of guy thighs counted off super fast so that i got stuck with guarding speedo guy. gross, and lets just say that thankfully the point was a fast one and i quickly got off the field.
and, i the team captains have thought of nicknames for everyone and were bestowed last night... my nickname: JEMIMA... as in, Aunt Jemima... carissa is mrs. butterworth.
so i guess you can call me jemima.
funny thing is, theother day at the market, i was telling a friend that if i had two kids and one was a girl, i would name her jemima because then the other kid's kids could call her aunt jemima.
what a cowinky-dink.

so now it is raining (it rained during one of our games) and we are going to go to this place called CCs... i guess it's something like all you can eat pizza for $5. interesting.

ciao for now.


  1. You had to guard speedo-guy!!! hahahaha. That made my night Stina.

  2. I love how you tell stories. So glad you didn't have to guard speedo guy for long--yuck!
