Tuesday, October 2

the partridge family

i just downloaded the song "i think i love you" and apparently it's by the partridge family. in fact, it's a part of the very best of the partridge family. ya learn something new everyday!

good day today. i unicycled to class... i took a pic.. usually there a ton more bikes, so my unicycle is usually wedged in there, but today i got there and there were no bikes. then after class, there were two. kind of looks funny.
and about a half hour ago i got a call from danielly and she passed the phone around cause they were at a tennis match... so i got to talk to most of the team! it was awesome!
well, tis all for now.
ciao ciao


  1. hey, any time! i too enjoyed it even if i didn't really get to talk to you. i'll just call you sometime this week or something...

    by the way, i'm really liking this new name here "danielly" i think you have issues typing my name...doesn't it have a "g" in my name in your phone or something. :) ha ha! just teasing you!

  2. That's awesome. Unicycle making some friends!
