Wednesday, November 28

4 is a lovely number

after theology today, i decided to go back to the dorms a different way and stop by the library on the way... having never been there, i felt a bit adventurous and wanted to check it out. so, i've noticed that the library has tons of books. pretty impressive. i made my way to the fourth floor (one shy from the top) because i remember rebekah said she was gonna be there. so i found her and said hi, and then continued to meander around the floor. what i found is pretty much the coolest thing ever.
there is this whole section that has old collections of periodicals and journals and stuff... both local and foreign. they had everything from Time to Reader's Digest, dating back to the 1930s... every magazine! some of these collections were really old, like 1880s and stuff... pretty awesome. remembering that Helen Wills was in Time magazine a lot, i went online to look up the dates of a few i grabbed a few of the Time collections from 1935 and 1938 went through them. It was so much fun to go through these magazines and seeing the advertisements and the happenings of the time... SOOO awesome... and the tennis articles were great... there were some quality journalists back then. there was this one advertisement for Camel cigarettes, and it had a bunch of professional athletes on it, showing two of them smoking. this ad claimed that camel was the mild cigarette, the athlete's choice, and the cigarette that you could smoke as much as you want. wow, have things changed or what!
so i spent about an hour and a half there, going through old periodicals and stuff... it's kind of my new favorite thing to do... who knew that a library could be so cool?

in other news... i get emails from calvin when certain things are going on in relation to my major and stuff, things like speakers coming, get-togethers for people of the same major, that kind of stuff. so i get an email today that starts out like this:
"Future Teachers - We invite you to consider teaching in California! Eleven Christian Schools in California are sponsoring a free pizza dinner and drinks for Calvin Education majors considering teaching in California."
at this point, i am kind of laughing at the irony, but at the same time thinking: "free pizza? sweet." and as i continue to read, i stop laughing...
"As Superintendent at Valley Christian Schools (near the border of Los Angeles and Orange Counties in Cerritos, California) I am coming to give hints about what teaching candidates should know regarding the application process, interviews, and how to seek teaching opportunities in Southern California."
.... Say what?
"Joining me will be Dan Noteboom, a Calvin alumnus who is now the worship leader at Valley Christian Schools."
... and it is signed, Kevin Kaemingk.
hey, i know those people. haha, i just started laughing super that's how they got all those calvin alumni to teach at valley... free pizza. valley's pretty smart. :)

so that concludes today's adventures. i've got tennis tonight, and then a big paper to write tomorrow, due on friday. yet, i feel rather calm about it.

ciao for now!

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