Tuesday, November 6

dressed for success

again, she's awesome. so i had this scholarship dinner to go to, and it was a semi-formal event at "the devos place"... some really fancy schmancy place. so lindsey took advantage of this formal opportunity to play "dress up." everything you see from head to toe is lindsey's... including the boots. yes, i wore something with heals higher than the inch in my flipflops. i had to learn to walk in these things, and let me say that stairs were my enemy... i nearly fell about 6 times.

anyway, it's nice being the same size... and she had a lot of fun laughing at what i was planning to wear before she stepped in to help, and then laughing at me trying to walk.

good times had by all.


  1. whoah to the booooooooooooooooots. impressive.

  2. Man, you must have an AMAZING photographer. haha

    What a nerd to get a scholarship. Sheesh. :P

    Hmmmmmmm. I'm bored. We should play uno. Or chess.


  3. UCI is hosting an Ultimate Frisbee tournament and colleges are coming from all over the nation to play. Where is Calvin?
