Tuesday, November 13

a little participation, porfavor

hey all, for today's post, i'd like a little participation... have you ever done a madlib before??? well, they're a ton of fun, so i'd like to do one with y'all. so, if you would like to join in the madlib fun, please leave a comment with the number of the blank you are filling, and your choice of any word that fits that description... please, if you don't know what an adjective it, don't try and guess. :) and yes, you can do multiple words, just don't hog all the fun. there are plenty of words.
lets make it work. i want to try and post this by friday enjoy.
by the way, make sure to check yours hasn't already been done
hmm this could get confusin
i will try my best to update the ones that are taken...

1. Adjective : puny
2. Color : puce
3. Verb Ending in -ing: putting
4. Adjective: practical
5. Adjective: preposterous
6. Color: puce
7. Adjective: raunchy
8. Famous Person: Mother Teresa
9. Number: pi (3.14 and so on)
10. Number: 17 (in the words of bex, stylish and prime)
11. Adjective: spicy
12. Place: the bottom of the ocean
13. Adjective: weathered
14. Body Part: Sternocleidomastoid (neck muscle)
15. Animal: skunk
16. Adjective: dry
17. Verb Ending in -ing: flapping
18. Adjective: frigid
19. Adjective: sketch
20. Sticky Substance: blue wall tack
21. Adjective: painful
22. Number: 444
23. Verb Ending in -ing: prancing
24. Illness : cholera
25. Disease: Mad Cow Disease


  1. oooooh this is fun! I want #15--skunk.

  2. 1. puny
    2. puce
    3. putting
    4. practical
    5. preposterous

    Not sure if I spelled that last one right.


  3. what a fun idea!

    7. raunchy
    12. the bottom of the ocean
    17. flapping


  4. 6. Puce
    14. Sternocleidomastoid
    20. Roach Motel

  5. 9. pi (you know...circumference divided by diameter)
    10. 17 (stylish and prime--the ultimate double threat)


  6. I couldn't resist 2 more...

    #18 frigid
    #25 Mad Cow Disease

  7. This thing is going to be amazing.

    Well, I posted my post first! So now you can look at mine to check how to spell "connoisseurs."

    And I'm sure it's right. Cuz I checked spell check. :)

  8. 8. Mother Teresa
    haven't done a madlib in years :)

  9. hhmmmmm...took me a while to understand...maybe because i can't read...
    anyways i will say
    #19 bipedal?

  10. 11. spicy

    13. weathered

    16. dry

    21. painful

    there the last four adjectives
