Saturday, November 3

my froes are tozen

those are the words i managed to muster up after 6 games of ultimate and as the sun had just dipped below the horizon.
what i meant to say was "my toes are frozen," making a full circle back to how the day started.
those were the very words that started the day off at Huck Fest at about 8 in the morning, standing on a frozen field (not just a bit of frost on the grass... full on the fields were white with ice, and the ground was frozen solid... and our breaths hung in the air as clouds for a good few seconds... and the frisbee was frozen as well, making it painful to catch, and a little too cold to throw... ya, that kind of frozen). Huck Fest is known for two things... and before i tell you both things, i want you to be assured that the Calvin team only takes part in one of them. the two things are free soup, and free beer. you guess which we steer away from.
and the soup is known for beeing amazing. they had 25 gallons of soup there... 25 gallons! i tried each kind... broccolli cheese, beef and barley, butternut squash, and my absolute favorite was the tomato soup.... i usually hate tomato soup, but this was amazing.
i have a funny story... when i was getting my soup, i heard this sound, and it sounded like someone was playing ping pong... so i got super excited and asked the guy who was making the soup, "what's that sound, is there a ping pong table???" and he just looked at me and pointed 5 yards away, "no, that's just the keg being tapped."
i couldn't help but laugh. here i am, little innocent stina excited for ping pong, and it turns out to be a keg being tapped.
after getting my fourth serving of soup, i went back to watch some ultimate and came across some calvin parents that were there to watch and had their dog with them. it was a little sheltie, and it was adorable, so i asked if i could pet him. sweet little dog! i asked them what his name was, and they replied, "tippy." awwwww! i quickly explained how my little puppy back home was also named tippy. i miss tippy.... so i pretended michigan tippy was home tippy and sat there and pet it for a while.
"it's a small world after all." i don't know how many times i am gonna have to say this, but this connection is pretty crazy. after one of our longer games, i was laying on the grass (exhausted from a super long last point... and the grass was no longer frozen) and then this guy walks up extending his hand out for a handshake and said "cristina? right?" and i was like, uh ya... it turned out to be mr. rozema who taught spanish for a year at valley... crazy! we actually played his team right after that, and i even had to defend him on a few points (which i juked him pretty good on one offensive point to get the disc for a score)... so it was kind of funny.
so that's the end of ultimate for now until spring rolls around... we might do a little indoor ultimate during the winter, but we'll see.

hope y'all enjoyed the fun little pictures below... i think the moses comic is rather clever :)

and i never said this on thursday, but, happy november! i love november... one of my favorite months because of the colors, tastes, and smells often related to this month. i plan on heading to the mall tomorrow and spending a little time in "william sanoma" smelling the pumpkin smells.... !!! mmm, so excited.

and as i steal an idea from rebekah (her infamous "question-at-the-end-of-a-post idea), i am going to ask a question that i would really like to know...
if you could break or be a part of any world record from the guiness book of world records, what would it be? for instance, one (of the many ideas i have) record i would like to break, if it existed, would be the world's largest group hug. that and break venus william's record serve speed of like 123 mph or something. i've broken 100, so not too far to go :) haha
so, i am interested to hear what y'all would do... please, do tell.

ciao for now my friends...
and know that i love you!

1 comment:

  1. what?!? free soup? 4 different kinds? i wish i was there. mmmm...soup. i should go to a sopu kitchen for free soup. did you notice what a strange word 'soup' is. sooooop. serious wow to the smallness of this world (reference: tippy). crazy.
