Monday, November 5

random pictures that i hope you enjoy.

so, i pretty much have the most awesome room mate... look what she made to put on our walls... she bought wooden letters and then painted them!

WARNING: guy theighs and and man guts ahead. so here are a few pics from the ohio tournament that i never posted. if i survived it in person, i am sure y'all can survive it via blog. these are a few of the "ultimate characters" that i have dealt with. and the last pic of our team is just a pic to show the mansion and how we were playing on its front lawn.

and this is jenny's christmas sweater-vest i have been knitting.... isn't it pretty sweet?!?! what you see in the pic is the work of two days of knitting. i have been delayed in the fact that i ran out of yarn (i went through two complete balls of yarn!) and meijer hasn't restocked yet.

these are pics from yesterday... for shiloh's birthday celebration, shiloh took us to this jacuzzi gardens place where they have a bunch of these private jacuzzi rooms that you can rent out. it was pretty stinking awesome and relaxing... and warm!

this is my crazy group of friends... and that is NOT alcohol in shiloh's cup... haha

and this is my squirrel friend that hangs out in the tree by my window. i am not sure if i already posted this pic, but oh well.
isn't he cute, all curled up and taking a nice afternoon nap?
'tis all


  1. Ummmmmm... I think you mean guy "thighs"...?

    hee hee hee I love teasing you, Stina.

    Whoever thought of using that empty packet to squirt you in that one picture is pretty genius, man...


  2. that sweater vest better end up as a sweater vest. i really hope that miejer restocks soon because i'm not going to be wearing a tube top.

  3. LOL

    nice ultimate-speedo man. Was he any good?

    And I'm pretty sure Shiloh was drinking some form of Alcohol, seeing as how she always drank it here in Cali. The habit is just so hard to kick.
