Sunday, December 9

Hoff and Heath

we get back from the hockey game, and our room, from floor to ceiling, is covered in pictures of david hasselhoff partially clothed... speedos, bare chested, and even this one with a pug that i swear could be considered animal abuse... click on the picture to see for yourself.

lindsey and i let out probably one of the biggest screams ever when we opened the door. my friend on first floor mentioned to me the next day that she heard a scream the night before around midnight... i explained the situation.

the worst part, besides actually having to touch the pictures when cleaning up, is that the next morning, we kept on finding more because they had hid them in places. trust me, it is scary to find these things in random places. so that was the friday night terror... and trust me... they've got something coming back to them.

now for the brandon heath concert... AMAZING! ok, so the whole day leading up to the concert was not great... unfortunate emails, studying, and then no one wanted to go to the concert. i was pretty upset about the fact that i couldn't get anyone to go... and pretty much can't believe how obsessed with finals people are. anyway, i get to the concert (which was at a local church) and i started to get really excited. so i went an hour ahead because i still had to get my ticket, and i didn't know how many people would show up, and when i got there, not a whole bunch of people were there yet. so they let us in to the seating area, and i totally went for the front row (which is only 8 seats wide... the rest of the rows fanning out from there). then these two other girls, a bit older than i, came up and sat next to me. they were from grand valley state and so we got to talking during the hour we had before the concert started. they were pretty cool... it was so nice to have someone to talk to and to not have to sit alone. and we were the only ones in the front row. we laughed about that. turns out that they are actually from holland, so that was fun to talk about for a bit. in the audience were mainly people from that church with their children... and we swore santa was there... big jolly guy, BIG white beard. mrs. clause was there too.
then the concert started... and i will say it again... amazing! it was just brandon heath, and he played it all acoustic, him and his guitar. he also did two songs on the piano. and it was cool cause in between songs, he would tell stories, stories of the meaning behind his songs, how he came up with them... stuff like that. and being in the front row, and in a small audience, it was super cool... kind of like a personal little concert.

after the concert he came out and talked with people and stuff, so i got a picture with him (actually, since i didn't have a camera, my new friends took one for me and sent it to me... they were super cool).
so ya, he's super nice, super cool. and i totally recommend his album... its super kick back, awesome lyrics... good acoustic guitar stuff.
so i best get back to some studying... and speaking of exams... in case you'd like to send up a little prayer for when i take my exams (which would be much appreciated) this is my schedule (eastern time, of course):
PE 201 on monday @ 10:00am (some of you might still be sleeping at this time :)
REL 131 (theology) on tuesday at 9:00am (you will be sleeping during this one)
CAS 140 (communications) on tuesday at 6:00pm
PHIL 153 on wednesday @ 1:30pm
and then after that exam, it's off to the airport i go! how awesome.
k, tis all...
ciao for now


  1. haha! that’s great!

    again, i am so jealous! i totally would have gone with should have called me up. i mean, living across the country is only a minor detail we'd have to work out when brandon heath is involved...oh, and you too, i guess. haha just kidding! i'm glad you did have a good time.
    thanks again for the call.
    i will definitely be praying for you as i wake up tomorrow morning! just think, soon tests will all be over and you get to enjoy a frozen yogurt with me! what could be lucky girl! ha!
    good luck! see you thursday! :)

  2. oh, and go check my blog for some pictures of j-tree if you would like

  3. So what time would you like me to take you to the aer-o-port Wednesday? We probably already discussed this, but I'm having a brain fart.
