Saturday, December 15

lets get this straight

i have had numerous people ask me... what's with the guy on the wing of your plane?
y'all need to get out more :)
he's not real, if you weren't able to tell that he highly resembled the abominal snowman. that picture is a screen shot from the twilight zone's "nightmare at 20,000 feet" starring william schatner... he's a passenger who looks out the window and sees that creature tearing up the wing of the plane. he fails to get any other passenger to see this creature.
so, i hope that explains it, and i hope you find a way to see that episode... because it is incredible. and i am sorry for any confusion i may have caused.

so, now on to the good stuff.
the past few days have been so much fun... thursday i got to see my friend danielle and we went to goldens spoon (duh!) where tom (the owner) remembered me and was glad to see i was back (and buying his frozen yogurt). then friday was a day spent with my aunt in which i... well, i'll wait to say what happened... we'll just have to hang out sometime if you haven't found out yet. then we all gathered at my grampa's where we had dinner and hung out... i have to say i have missed manhattan beach! then this morning was a rei used gear sale which i went to with mark, allison, and tessa... tessa is the first of my little buddies i have seen since coming home, and she has grown so much! what a was a fantastic morning. now this afternoon i stop by the verwys' for a bit to pick up my sea world pass before i head off to san diego and see my amiga/neighbor jenny the woo. it is going to be a joyous occasion. tomorrow we head to sea world to see the amazing polar bears (my favorite), and then come home in time for me to make it to house church... i can't even express how excited i am for house church!

i'd have to say this has been a great first couple of days of christmas break. good times.

well i hope your weekend is going well, and i shall post again soon.

oo, i just glanced out the window and we have old tires sitting in our back yard... i am gonna go figure out something to do with them... tire swing anyone?

1 comment:

  1. NO PICTURE?!?!? i'm outraged. fine i guess i'll just have to suffer your presence so i can see, but i was really hoping for a picture so i wouldn't have to...haha! you know i'm totally joking! :)
    have fun in SD. and say hi to jenny and shamoo for me!
    see you soon!
