in a matter of ten minutes, i did the following:
i convinced me to get my lazy selk off up and out and to go play tennis because it has been over two weeks since i have played (i know, unheard of) and because it has been far too long since i have done any form of movement to get the heart pumping (unless "scoop ball" and "pass the tire" count). so i got all ready to go play tennis, and as i laced up my tennis shoes to head out, i don't know what triggered it, but i remembered that at that very moment i was supposed to be at a christmas party. eek. without a moment's hesitation, off came the tennis shoes and up the stairs i ran to change for a christmas party. in a couple more minutes, i was out the door and in the car.
from sofa, to tennis, to christmas party in a matter of ten minutes? not too shabby.
--oops #2: at this christmas party, i talked to one of my friends on the phone who just came home and realized that i was supposed to be at yet another christmas party after the one i was currently at. i looked at my watch... ya, that's not happening... 9:00pm, i gotta get home.
i tell ya, i have got the most forgetful mind sometimes. one benefit that comes from this is that i have become better at thinking on my feet and reacting fast to these unexpected (more like realized last-minute) occurences.
where we are weak in one area we are strong in another.
wanna hear something crazy? for the past 4 days in a row, i have woken up at exactly 6:51 am. every morning... 6:51. i don't have an alarm set or anything. i am shooting for a fifth day tomorrow morning... that would be super crazy!
i've got some fun stories to tell, but that shall have to wait until tomorrow... but to give you a little preview, these topics will be covered:
-my first time back at vchs since graduation (not really an exciting story... in fact, rather short)
-lunch with my two best friends from 6th grade (that's a trip)
Maybe santa will bring you a calendar and a pencil....