Wednesday, January 16

i see skies of blue...

today was absolutely beautiful... the sky was an amazing blue. it's really neat how in living here, and experiencing this weather, makes certain types of weather so noticable. for example, in california, skies are often blue and partly cloudy or cloudy. not much variation in what you see. usually a nice day in california is nice because it is warm. well, a nice day in michigan during this time of year is a day where you can see the sun... and if you're lucky, some patches of blue sky. i mean, when you see clouds and gray almost everyday, of course it's going to catch your eye if all above you is this amazing blue-ness. well, that's what i woke up to this morning... and this first picture is a little glimpse of what it looked like. what i love about this picture is that you see the sweet blue sky, the wonderfully green tree, and the white snow (of which we don't have too much of right now, as you can see) on the ground. although cloudless days are a bit chillier... high 20s, low 30s... it doesn't take away from saying it's a beautiful day. the chilliness makes the day crisp, and the sun makes the day happy. so, to contrast with this sky, i have a picture from last week... this is from when i was walking across the beltline to get to my class. as you can see, quite a bit more snow... and look at the sky... that's at 10:00 am. not to bright out, eh? but it's okay... it makes every day a hot cocoa day :)

and here's just another shot of some snow on this tree... i am kind of in love the way snow piles on a tree... there's just something so beautiful about how snow lines every contour of a tree... it's like visual poetry, or art, if you ask me.
things coming up here... tomorrow night is the guitar hero tournament... i am pretty excited about it. i'll let you guys know how that goes.
i picked up my ticket for the calvin vs hope basketball game! it's on jan 26th... i am so stoked! and to think that last year i watched it on tv... it's going to be so fun to be here... i can't wait. our tennis match vs hope isn't until april 17th, but it's home and it's going to be fun. i love rivalries!
tennis... roddick kicked butt last night... and sadly for davenport, so did sharapova. i woke up to watch a bit of the match (4am... tv on mute, didn't even wake my room mate... ya, i am good... and slightly crazy). anyway, when lindsey lost, i did cry a bit. arg. but then andy won... and i smiled.
alright... so that's it for now. hope all is well.


  1. I like the blue skies too. They make me happy!! :D

  2. That's pretty cool Stina. I like the picture through the window.
