Monday, January 28

ready, set...

i had my interview today... and it wasn't on the phone. in fact, i was expecting it to be on the phone until about 60 seconds before i was sitting at a table in johnny's talking to the interviewer. you see, i had gotten an email at 1:50 pm EST saying that he forgot to mention that he was here at johnny's. he realized there was a miscommunication and told me to come whenever. so i ran very fast and made it for an interview. i was so baffled by his use of "MST" in the email when communicating the time... anyhow, it's all over now, and the interview went well. he was impressed by my chick-fil-a experience... and about my cow-suit experience too. haha, that was a good laugh. anyway, now it's the waiting game, because he told me that he would talk with SMR and would try to get back to me soon. now, is that soon mountain standard time, or eastern standard time?

tuesday tuesday tuesday... first day of the second semester... and i've got a full schedule--16 credit hours i'll be taking. i kind of momentarily messed up my schedule by dropping a class, making me ineligible for sports because of too few credit hours... so then i went to re-register for that class (english) and it was closed. pretty much every class was closed, and i couldn't petition a class online. so i had to go to the registrar to try and get in a class (i was trying for meteorology... would count as my physical science credit, and would be amazing!) but it was filled to the brim. so i figured oh well, why not try to get in to an english class and get it over with. she tells me, 'looks like someone just dropped out of this section." yup, that was me. so full-circle ended up right where i started. i figured, i can't take all the fun classes all at once... so i am saving meteorology for next year. and i am excited. (fyi, it's the study of weather, not meteors :)
i've got quite a confusing schedule too... i've got tuesday-thursday classes, monday-wednesday classes, monday-wednesday-friday class, monday-tuesday-wednesday-friday class... i'm going to be carrying my schedule around with me for the first few weeks! and did i mention, 8am classes everyday... it's a good thing i am a morning person... but we'll have to see how long i last as a morning person... what with practice ending at 10pm or even 10:30pm some nights. yikes.
i like the day-before-class day. probably the most organized i am all semseter. you know, two pens, two pencils, paper, highlighter... you know, prepared student. then about a week in, you begin to hear, "where's my pencil? can i borrow a piece of paper?" yup... it goes a little like that. i'm hoping to make it last a little longer this time though.

and so it begins... semester two.


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