Wednesday, January 23

when hidden camera's would prove to be beneficial

it's times like this morning that i wish there were hidden camera's following me.
ok, so interim is over now... i turned my paper in this morning, and i took my final this morning. after turning in my exam, i left and headed back to the dorms. my class is in the devos center, so after crossing the bridge, i usually go the back way back to the dorms instead of walking through the fac parking lot. as i was walking along this pathway, i realized that it was snowing really hard with super fat snowflakes... it was pretty amazing. and the pathway i was walking along had snow banks above knee high on both sides... so much snow! i was enjoying how big the snowflakes were, so i began to trying catching them with in my mouth. the wind was blowing pretty hard so i was trying to squint to keep the flakes out of my eyes... not working. so since i was on a pretty straight stretch of walkway, i just closed my eyes for a bit.
so imagine it: there's me walking, eyes closed, mouth open, tongue sticking out, hands in my pockets of my puffy green jacket (i forgot gloves this morning), just walking along. i'm sure i would have looked rather strange to anyone passing by, but due to the fact i was walking on the back pathway, no one was around.
you think that's the funny part? oh dear no... let me tell you what happened.
walking along, eyes closed, mouth open, hands in pockets... well, lets just say i now know that i can't walk straight with my eyes closed. instead of staying on the path, i ended up walking straight in to the snow bank and my entire body fell forward into the snow... and due to my hands being in my pocket, i couldn't catch myself. so there i was, face first in a foot of snow, laughing my head off. after managing to get up, i laughed even harder realizing that there was now this big body print in the snow next to the sidewalk. no one was walking by at that time, so i saved a bit of embarrassment.
lesson learned: when catching snowflakes on your tongue, keep your eyes open at all times... that, or don't put your hands in your pockets.

well, off to holland this afternoon... i can't wait... i am especially excited to see downtown covered in snow! i'll be staying with the brands, so seeing their place covered in snow will be sweet too.

it's official. snow-covered anything is awesome.


  1. I feel honored that I got to hear your story as well as read about it! (I bet at least one person saw you fall...there's always one person in the distance). I would have loved to be that person.
    Have a great time in Holland!

  2. you are funny! i bet someone was watching you from their dorm window and you just didn't know it...imagine their surprise to see you face planted in the snow. :)

  3. i'm googling You Tube...I bet someone even filmed it!
    Great story!

  4. hahahahaha.... I wish I could have seen that. You have no idea how much I wish I had been there (with a huge thick jacket)
